SteelMaster 1200HPE
A two-component intumescent for structural steel exposed to cellulosic fire that can be applied on site.
- Solvent free epoxy fire protection
- Designed for off-site application
- Fast constructability
SteelMaster 제품군은 디자인의 미적인 요소를 해치지 않으면서 구조강에 탁월한 내화 효과를 제공해줍니다. 그래서 일반적으로 공항, 쇼핑몰, 그리고 사람들의 안전과 건축학적인 매력이 둘 다 똑같이 중요한 그 외 공공 건물에 사용됩니다.
A two-component intumescent for structural steel exposed to cellulosic fire that can be applied on site.
The most efficient 120 minute waterborne intumescent coating used for the protection of structural steel against cellulosic fires.
Optimised for 90-minute fire protection, and enhanced waterborne technology. Best in class for 90 minutes projects.
The most efficient 60 minute waterborne intumescent coating used for the protection of structural steel against cellulosic fires.
A solventborne intumescent coating that provides cellulosic fire protection for structural steel.
A solventborne intumescent coating that provides cellulosic fire protection for structural steel.
A waterborne, acrylic thin film, intumescent coating designed for cellulosic fire protection.
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